On 06/01/2016 10:29 AM, Mart Raudsepp wrote:
> Hello,
> So here's something more simple wrt GUI USE flags.
> Global USE=gui for
> gui - enable an optional graphics user interface or extra GUI tool
> Essentially, if it's an optional GUI, it'd be behind a USE=gui, instead
> of USE=gtk, USE=X, USE=qt4 or USE=qt5, when that optional GUI is
> available in only one toolkit version. So hence feature based flag, not
> dependency-based.
I know that it was previously mentioned that there was discussion about
this long ago, but I'm not familiar with those discussions. Is someone
more familiar with those discussions able to bring up the talking points?

One issue that springs to mind though is, let's say a pkg supports only
qt4 for a gui, you'd have the gui flag. Upstream adds qt5 support.  Do
you keep the gui flag and make qt4 and qt5 dependent on it, or do you
remove the gui flag?  I feel like the latter might lead to confusion,
while the former suggests that the flag should be used more generally
than just one toolkit/version being available.
> Mart


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