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On 10/02/16 08:46 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 11:00:15AM -0500, Ian Stakenvicius
> wrote:
>> Oh, eudev also doesn't handle network link setup given that
>> external tools already do this just fine.  That's another
>> difference, though not one that matters programmatically.  That
>> said, the network-link setup was added primarily to support
>> systemd's use-case, and there's very little need or point in
>> having it done by udevd on an rc-based system.
> Unless I'm mistaken, you're saying that eudev doesn't handle
> network link but it doesn't matter because rc-based systems don't
> requires it.
> And at the same time, I read in this thread that eudev is
> in-place replacement for udev without any harm. What will happen
> to the users wanting systemd AND expect the network link setup?

Systemd requires system configuration differently compared to
openrc and other rc systems.  One cannot expect eudev (or sys-fs/udev)
to be drop-in replacements for systemd and for them to read systemd
configuration.  See
for more information on network linking, especially the very
systemd-specific config locations.

If someone whats to use both openrc and systemd on the same system,
then they can't have EITHER sys-fs/udev OR sys-fs/eudev installed,
so the point to this particular discussion is rather moot.
Systemd-udev from the systemd package could theoretically read the
network-link config files, assuming that systemd doesn't need to be
PID1 for this to occur; it could very well be, however, that even
when systemd is installed, booting openrc the network link setup
will still need to be configured appropriately outside of these
systemd configs.

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