Hash: SHA512

Ian Stakenvicius:
> On 28/02/14 11:17 AM, Thomas D. wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ian Stakenvicius wrote:
>>> That said, what we could do (if this isn't done already) is
>>> have portage automatically elog or ewarn what files are
>>> excluded from the system on merge time due to the INSTALL_MASK.
>>> At least that way, users would be able to see in the log what
>>> files were removed, so when something they need -is- removed
>>> they'll be able to see that right away. (note, i've never used
>>> INSTALL_MASK, so I've no idea what portage reports)
>> That's already happening.
>> For example an INSTALL_MASK
>> /lib/systemd/" INSTALL_MASK="${INSTALL_MASK} /lib64/systemd/" 
>> INSTALL_MASK="${INSTALL_MASK} /usr/lib/systemd/" 
>> INSTALL_MASK="${INSTALL_MASK} /usr/lib64/systemd/"
>> is given. When you emerge a package you will see messages like
>> [...]
>>>>> Installing (1 of 1) sys-fs/udev-210
>> * Removing /etc/systemd/ * Removing /lib/systemd/ * Removing 
>> /lib64/systemd/ * Removing /usr/lib/systemd/ * Removing 
>> /usr/lib64/systemd/ * checking 51 files for package collisions
>>>>> Merging sys-fs/udev-210 to /
>> [...]
>> If you keep logs, elogv for example will also show this 
>> information:
>> │ [...]                        │ │
>> │ │INFO: other                   │ │Removing /etc/systemd/
>> │ │Removing /lib/systemd/        │ │Removing /lib64/systemd/
>> │ │Removing /usr/lib/systemd/    │ │Removing /usr/lib64/systemd/
>> │
>> The downside is that this message will always appear when you
>> have set an INSTALL_MASK. Even for packages which don't install
>> anything into the masked paths. So people maybe tend to ignore
>> this information because it is always shown :)
>> If this message would only be shown if the merged package is 
>> *really* affected by the INSTALL_MASK, this would be an 
>> improvement.
> That just seems to be showing what paths are in the INSTALL_MASK
> and are removed.  What I mean, rather, is that effectively the
> output of:
> for mypath in ${INSTALL_MASK}; do find ${D}${mypath} -type f ;
> done
> ...would be reported an an elog/ewarn, ie, the actual directory
> tree that is going to be removed.  This would also have the benefit
> of not reporting anything if no files are being installed/merged
> under any of the INSTALL_MASK locations..

Yes, that would make it easier to catch funny things. I remember a bug
report where some user was messing with INSTALL_MASK and
"/usr/share/locale/" and didn't notice that he effectively removed all
language support... and started filing random bug reports. Took quite
a while before someone spotted that crap in "emerge --info".


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