On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 16:09:53 -0500
Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetrom...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On Sat, 2014-02-22 at 14:57 -0600, Ryan Hill wrote:
> > wxGTK not only splits up libraries by version and toolkit, but also by
> > charset and debug/release.  If we had to use different SLOTs rather than
> > USE flags we would need eight of them for 2.8 alone.  And I don't know how
> > we would name the ebuilds (-r100,-r200,... ugh).
> Remember, a single process cannot load both gtk2 and gtk3 - you *will*
> get random crashes. If you think that dealing with interesting bug
> reports - e.g. caused by application foo which was built against your
> wxGTK[gtk3] and then crashed after enumerating its plugin directory
> because of the presence of binary plugin bar which links to libbaz which
> sometimes dlopens gtk2 at runtime when USE=wombat is enabled  - is more
> fun than doing a bit of work at the start and slotting wxGTK, then
> please go ahead ;)

Yeah and package built against wxGTK (gtk2) could dlopen gtk3 at runtime
today.  That's already the case.  But what does that have to do with slotting?

Ryan Hill                        psn: dirtyepic_sk
   gcc-porting/toolchain/wxwidgets @ gentoo.org

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