>>>>> On Thu, 20 Feb 2014, Alexandre Rostovtsev wrote:

> I see. So you want USE="gtk gtk3" to mean the same thing that gnome
> team had intended USE="gtk" to mean, which is to say, "pick
> whichever gtk version that is the most sensible".


> That could work. There are already a few ebuilds, e.g. audacious,
> with REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( gtk gtk3 )" - so before this unfortunate
> practice spreads further, the gnome team would need to note on the
> wiki to make sure other developers know why this is especially
> undesirable for the gtk/gtk3 flag pair.

Devs should really follow the policy outlined in the devmanual.
REQUIRED_USE was introduced to solve a specific problem with USE
dependencies (which can break if a USE flag is ignored in an ebuild
because it is superseded by another one). It shouldn't be used all
over the place.

We don't want users having to solve a Zebra Puzzle [1] (or, for the
more theoretically inclined, a satisfiability problem [2]) to find
an acceptable combination of their USE flags.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebra_Puzzle
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_satisfiability_problem

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