On 10/20/2013 04:40 PM, hasufell wrote:
> Some people from gamerlay have made clear that they are not really
> interested in reviews, yet you want me to waste time on that?

A guy asked you why you don't work in the gamerlay. All you said was
that gamerlay was a failed attemp and that you have zero interest in
working in it. No futher explanations. And now, finally, after 4 e-mails
you decided to tell us that you have actually talked to them and they
are not interested in ebuild reviewing. Ok then...

> I don't think this discussion leads anywhere.
I am not sure why you even open that thread. Your e-mail basically
requests the games@ team opinion. Again, if you didn't want others to
comment on this, you shouldn't have CC'd gentoo-dev.

Markos Chandras

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