Mike Frysinger posted on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 12:49:00 -0400 as excerpted:

> On Thursday 11 April 2013 11:43:59 James Cloos wrote:
>> >>>>> "MF" == Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> writes:
>> MF> this should impact very few (if any)
>> MF> users, so i don't think a news item makes sense.
>> It will impact everyone who has /dev/pts in fstab(5).
> don't do that.  delete the line.

I wonder if I added my devpts fstab entry (if as you say it wasn't an 
automated add) some time ago, when there was some security related hubbub 
over it, as significantly, my fstab entry has nosuid, noexec, while the 
default for it in /etc/init.d/devfs does not.

My fstab devpts entry also has noauto, but that's likely simply due to it 
being an fstab entry...

Regardless, that's at least two gentooers with installations dating from 
the early 00s that have reported having the (GID-less) entry in fstab 
now, so I strongly suspect it's going to affect more users, at least long-
time users, than you thought.  It may in fact affect the majority of 
users from that era... anyone who hasn't manually removed that entry from 
fstab over the years.

You mention it wasn't in the old baselayout/openrc tarballs.  What about 
the early stages?  Perhaps that's where it came from?  Anyone with 2004.x 
vintage stage tarballs around to check?

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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