On 10/03/2011 02:45 AM, malc wrote:
> Really... it took me less time to chuck the new-videodev.patch from [1]
> into src_prepare() and compile-test than it did to read the noise in
> this thread... :)
> HTH,
> malc.
> [1] http://patch-tracker.debian.org/package/qutecom/2.2.1+dfsg1-2

I have seen this patch, but I'm not convinced it's correct as it doesn't
rename (prefix) any of the functions with v4l1_

Thinking of v4l1_open, v4l1_close, and the basics here

So I suspect the Debian maintainer just threw that in, without runtime
testing the application. Ready to be proofen wrong.

- Samuli

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