On 31/03/11 09:57, Fabian Groffen wrote:
> On 31-03-2011 09:44:37 +0200, justin wrote:
>> First is a package specific, second is the default.
>> And no, asuming the USE is introduced correctly here, it makes a
>> difference, whether we take the global meaning -> reading mp3 files at
>> all; or changing the way it is done for this package. Because here it
>> means, you could not disable mp3 support, but rather choose on which way
>> it should happen.
> If a flag is in use.desc (global), then I should be able to put it in my
> USE= in my /etc/make.conf.  That also means that the flag should only be
> used to do exactly as it says in use.desc, and nothing else.
> The package in question here should really use a different USE-flag,
> because it is overloading the original (intended?) meaning of the mp3
> USE-flag, leading to possibly unexpected results for the end-user.
> There is nothing unclear on the descriptions here, the same flag is just
> used for two different things, which is wrong if the flag is global.

Lets stop this discussion, because this doesn't has to do with the topic.
All I wanted to do, is illustrating the difference between a missleading
or not understandable USE description, to something, where I directly
get a clue,  what happens if I set it.

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