Excerpts from James Cloos's message of Wed Mar 30 18:13:21 +0200 2011:
> j> Enables foo intergration
> j> or
> j> Enables support for foo
> j> if it isn't totally clear what "foo" is
> Even preferring $C/$PN where $PN is currently used would help,
> since it makes it clear that the foo is a package.

The main problem is that user might not know what kind of “foo” support
it is. For example I have “pango” USE flag in sys-boot/plymouth. What
would explain to you something like: “Enables support for
x11-libs/pango”? And how you would compare it with “Adds support for
printing text on splash screen and text prompts, e.g. for password”?
Amadeusz Żołnowski

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