I believe QA is important from the perspective that you want to assure that the ebuilds work. Nothing makes a casual user more annoyed that having an emerge for his machine fail to work. But if you are running the emerges unconstrained (e.g. you specify them in the keywords file) then you are "exposed".
A recent example is the mythtv package. It does not compile on an x86 without significant intervention (Gentoo Bug #292421). How does it make it into the "release" category without it compiling on the most common machines? (I'm dealing with an older x86 Pentium IV Prescott machine from HP and there have to be millions of them out there in the world.). There should be some sort of QA procedure which says "the package builds on these minimal list of machines" before it should be released. Then there is a separate discussion about how to best migrate people from the "approved" packages to the cutting edge packages with some level of warning to the user ("this may be problematic") Robert