On Thu, 28 May 2009 20:30:44 +0200
Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > Interactive time is important. If it were adding those extra
> > seconds to the build, no-one would care. But it's not. It's adding
> > them to when the user's sitting at the screen waiting for results.
> So how about we improve the structure instead of trying to patch up
> some hotspots?

That's a subject for a different GLEP, and one that's not going to go
anywhere ever unless someone comes up with a way of doing it
incrementally. GLEP 55's performance concerns are limited to not making
things worse.

> For example a readonly repository would guarantee that the cache is
> always consistent.

Until someone modifies it, yes.

> > > You mean 0.3% (or less) of the emerge world time?
> >
> > No, he means 50% of pretend time when you're sitting there waiting
> > to see what's going to happen.
> So fix the diseases instead of doctoring around some symptoms ...

I await your GLEP that covers how to migrate the tree layout. That's a
separate issue, however.

> > It is the best. If we're requiring EAPI before trying to parse PV,
> > all the EAPIs have to be known to do any ordering.
> ... and why the [censored] would we want that then?

Because without that, we can't make changes to the version format.

> It would help if you would tolerate other opinions (or even the
> possibility that other people may have opinions that do not agree
> with you).

The only issue of opinion is whether or not .ebuild-X and .eapi-X.eb
look pretty. The rest is purely technical and entirely objective.

Ciaran McCreesh

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