On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 04:07:48PM -0500, Doug Goldstein wrote:
>> Arch Testers don't have tree access. This proposal gives the package 
>> maintainer the ability to commit their changes.
> So what you're looking for is committer ACLs. Gentoo's CVS currently does 
> not use any form of ACLs to restrict access. This proposal would have to be 
> discussed with the infra team to consider the feasibility to add ACLs to 
> the tree.
As the CVS admin, I've considered them for a while, esp to help with
some of the access to parts of docs. The BSDs make very heavy use of
them successfully (and indeed wrote several of the CVS ACL systems).

But just on the having time side, I'd ask for a month or two to fully
implement them. I've got enough projects in progress right now without
adding another.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
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