William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 10:12 +0000, Duncan wrote:
>> Isn't the point, however, that if it's a die if the do* is on a file that 
>> no longer exists, the maintainer will see it when they test, take care of 
>> it, and as a result, it shouldn't ever hit the user?
> Yes, exactly the idea.
>> If the maintainer sees it, they can either investigate, if the judge it 
>> worth it, or simply kill the do* in question.
> Yep
>> If the user sees it, it means the maintainer failed to do his job. I
>> think that's the suggestion, that it be mandatory for maintainers to
>> deal with, and the user shouldn't ever see it.  
> Dang your better than most carpenters, hitting the nail on the head
> repeatedly :)

Look, it's quite simple.  Not everyone shares the same opinion on this.

Therefore, if you are the type that thinks that ebuilds should die on a
missing doc, then add || die after your dodoc call.

If you are the type that thinks this is overkill, then don't add || die
after your dodoc call.

Pushing to eliminate one of these options is going to make one group or
the other very annoyed.

dirtyepic    you'd be tossed up or wash up, the narrator relates
 gentoo org          in a spartan antarctican walk for many days
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