> I'm very strongly against using Gentoo SoC time and resources for things
> that are not officially part of Gentoo (yes, this statement could be
> spun however you wish) or are not official Gentoo projects. And no, just
> because a project has Gentoo developers in it doesn't mean that it's a
> Gentoo project -- let's avoid the gray areas now, shall we? Just because
> we have Gentoo devs who are also Gnome upstream doesn't make their
> Gnome-related packages that happen to be in our tree official Gentoo
> projects.

In my opinion, any project that has reasonable potential to improve
Gentoo as a whole *and* is strongly related to Gentoo should be
considerable for SoC. While this is certainly not the case for say
"Improving gtk+", it definitely is for Pepers project. After all, what
is PMS all about, if we keep on evaluating package managers solely on
being official Gentoo projects or not?

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