On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 14:33:12 -0300 Mauricio Lima Pilla
> On Thursday 15 March 2007 14:15:05 Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > Which, even if it were true, is besides the point if doing so
> > prevents any development from getting done. And just how much
> > development gets done on the forums?
> If you are going to attack the forums in each message you send to
> this list, why don't you just add it to your signature?

Why are those responsible for the forums unwilling to accept any
feedback or criticism, instead attacking the attacker or accusing the
attacker of merely being one of my pawns? Or, when it happens on the
forums, making unspecific vaguely worded threats to ban anyone that
does it? At least the Portage developers *admit* that their codebase

For Gentoo to get back to delivering something, its problems need to be
acknowledged and addressed. This is something that is consistently not

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail                                : ciaranm at ciaranm.org
Web                                 : http://ciaranm.org/
Paludis, the secure package manager : http://paludis.pioto.org/

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