Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 18:40:05 +0100
Jakob Buchgraber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So why don't you start rewriting, refactoring and improving the
portage source? It definitely doesn't make sense to create a
competing package management system.
"Patches welcome", I think is the appropriate response :)
Seriously, if you want portage to be re-factored, just go ahead and do
it; there's nothing to stop you.
Good answer. :)
Ok. I have to admit that I have no clue of python (but of other
languages), but if somebody is going to refactor portage I'll learn
python and try to help as much as I can.
As I think (from a technical point of view) portage is one of the (if
not the) most important aspects of Gentoo. Lot's of people started using
Gentoo because of portage as one of the main reasons (including me). It
was really a nice piece of software (from a users point of view) at the
beginning, but when I used it more frequently and tried to manage the
packages on my system I started missing some features that other
distributions and paludis have. E.g. I really like the dependency
uninstalling feature and the support for different repos and ...
So I just think something has to be changed e.g. making paludis an
official gentoo project and mentioning it in the docs, but keep portage
as the default pm.
If portage can't get improved, then people have to get informed that
there is a better alternative, because I know a lot of Gentoo users
having never heard about paludis and I also didn't know that it even
exists until a month ago.
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