darren kirby wrote:
> Exactly. LSBs insistence on using RPM as the "One True Package Manager" seems 
> incredibly daft to me. It was RPM-hell that steered me towards Gentoo all 
> those years ago in the first place. I cannot put into words how much I loathe 
> RPM.
> Seems to me if Gentoo wholesale adopted the LSB then it would be little more 
> than another Redhat/SuSe clone no? And nobody here wants that, do they?
> Portage (or the tree as Ciaran puts it) is _still_ the chief reason I use 
> Gentoo, and I rather think it will always be...
> just another Gentoo luser,
> -d

You too huh?  I left Mandrake because the upgrades were a mess to say
the least.  They were also slow to come out.  I hope Gentoo will get all
this mess straightened out because I have no clue what I would have to
move too. 

:-)  :-)  :-)


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