Grant Goodyear wrote:
> Underlying the draft code of conduct is an assumption that aggressive
> and less-than-nice behavior on gentoo-dev is seriously harming Gentoo.

Well you've recently lost two very capable devs as a result of it, and I
understand others have left for similar reasons, so i'd say it is seriously
harming Gentoo. Quite apart from the reputational damage.

> On the other hand, LKML is famous for its flamewars, and nobody claims
> that Linux is in serious trouble.  Does anybody have a good feeling for
> where the difference lies?  Are we sure that we're solving the right
> problem?  (That's not a rhetorical question; I really don't know the
> answer.)
Um not qualified to answer the first part, although i think jstubbs gave
good points. I'm not sure you are solving the right prob if this is just
about the dev m-l. But iirc the flameyes thing started on irc and finished
on bugzilla, with a goodbye post to the m-l.

Personally I understand why flameeyes took that to bugzilla; how else could
he say he'd gone thru the appropriate channels? Devrel (a group, not an
individual) weren't set up to respond quickly as others have informed us

I would advise against trying to impose this on the user forums, however, as
there simply isn't any reason to do so. No one's been complaining about the
user forums, apart from ciaran afaict, and a kneejerk response could well
backfire (ie harm gentoo more). IOW I agree it should be a temporary thing
until the longer term implications are bedded in. /Some/ action *is* called
for imo. 

Believe it or not, most users don't care about the devs either; we just like
the software. Maybe you could involve the user reps before imposing rules
on our forum because yours aren't working right?

Most apposite thing I ever heard (doubly so since it comes from Torvalds):
"If you develop Free software you get a thick skin. Or you don't develop
Free software."

I hear Apple're hiring? ;P

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