On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 11:40:39AM -0800, Josh Saddler wrote:
> zOMG Cabal conspiracy!!1oneone!
> So, who'se conspiring against you now? Devrel? The Council? Oh...*Brian*
> this time. Or just anyone whom you've never liked or has disagreed with
> you about anything?
> Oh wait, I bet you think we're supposed to take your cries of conspiring
> and derailing *seriously*.
> Bottom line is you're not going to prevent him from having a say in the
> matter, anymore than someone could prevent you from having a say in PMS.
> Stop being so dramatic. "OMG he only wants to attack me and my pet
> project! And here's reason foo that --uh, several others just poked
> holes in-- but oh well!" That's all in *your* head. The rest of us note
> with mild bemusement that you've yet to provide any kind of backup for
> your wild "he said she said" tirades, though if you do want to show some
> evidence, kindly do so off-list. Keep your spewing on-topic: technical
> issues, not on your personal issues.

Stop making useless comment.

Alexander Færøy
Bugday Lead
Alpha/IA64/MIPS Architecture Teams
User Relations, Quality Assurance

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