On Mon, 05 Mar 2007 00:08:40 +0100 Jakub Moc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yeah, you cry foul when people paint you with an overly broad
> > brush.  Is it known?  As far as I remember, the issue was
> > acknowledged when brought up, and then fixed.  The issue hasn't
> > come up again with your docs. It hasn't come up with any other
> > thing.
> Erm, to be precise here, noone has removed any ciaranm's attributions
> from devmanual, they've all been moved to the end of the document
> originally, so that people wouldn't be forced to scroll across one
> page worth of contributors to get to the actual content of devmanual.

Nnnnnnope. All credits except for one name (of someone whose
contributions were limited to a few sentences) were removed from the
front page entirely, completely in violation of the licence. Repeated
requests to the editor to fix it were ignored, so I escalated it to the
appropriate party -- wherein certain people in positions of authority
tried as hard as they could to claim that there was no licence
violation and that following the licence wasn't important. Instead of
getting fixed as soon as I notified anyone of the issue, it was dragged
out for ages for political reasons.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail                                : ciaranm at ciaranm.org
Web                                 : http://ciaranm.org/
Paludis, the secure package manager : http://paludis.pioto.org/

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