On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 10:03:54 -0700 "Daniel Robbins"
> In defense of my confusion, certainly appears from the perspective of
> the gentoo-dev ml that you are leading at the very least the
> day-to-day management of the project.

No, as I've already told you, I'm just the one who hasn't decided to
ignore all this pointless noise yet.

> PMS is a project that is not an offical Gentoo project, but is
> controlled by a Gentoo developer (spb), is hosted on external
> infrastructure, does not have a Gentoo Foundation copyright.

PMS is a QA subproject. It even has a subproject page now.

> The council may try to impose a deadline on PMS but it is a non-Gentoo
> project and thus out of its scope of influence in all areas besides
> areas of mutual coordination.

The Council imposing a deadline upon PMS would have exactly the same
effect as the Council imposing a deadline upon anything else.

> Significant contributions to PMS are coming from Ciaran, someone who
> has been explicitly banned from Gentoo development

Untrue. I haven't been banned from Gentoo development, and I've been
contributing to plenty of things for a long time.

> The specification is designed to document
> that functionality that ebuilds can rely on. Paludis, a non-Gentoo
> project lead by Ciaran, will likely be the first conformant
> implementation, after which the process will begin to get it adopted
> as official policy for Gentoo ebuilds, via the Council and QA.

The first conformant implementation will likely be Portage, unless
Portage has some particularly nasty bugs that take a long time to fix.

Paludis will likely be the first conformant *independent*
implementation. An independent implementation is generally considered
necessary for something to be a proper standard rather than a
description of a program.

> I *think* I have all that right? OK, I will accept this.
> If that's the case, I'm suggesting the following "tweak" to the plans.
> a) move PMS discussion off this list

That would be great. There has been absolutely nothing of value
received from people discussing PMS on this list. Moving it onto a list
where the PMS project lead can remove people who contribute nothing to
the discussion would be very helpful.

> It's also not worth keeping PMS on this list for a number of reasons,
> and confuses people (me included) as to whether it is an official
> Gentoo project.

If you're confused, it's because you didn't do your research before
jumping in with all your accusations.

> b) You (Ciaran) should unsubscribe from this list.
> Rationale: You (Ciaran) have already been explicitly banned from
> Gentoo development


> yet are acting as the project's official spokesman on this list which
> is clearly a Gentoo development list.

Also untrue, as you have been told several times.

> I am asking that you have a basic respect for your removal from
> Gentoo, despite your personal feelings, which to me means that you
> are not "involved" as a developer on a day-to-day basis and not
> working directly with other Gentoo developers - except those that
> might want or need to work with you on non-Gentoo projects (who can
> then freely interact with you on non-Gentoo lists.)

Funnily enough, I'm working quite happily with more Gentoo developers
that most other Gentoo developers, both on official Gentoo projects and
on external projects.

> This should not impede your work or that of PMS, as interested parties
> can just subscribe to those non-Gentoo lists. In fact I expect this
> will help to accelerate PMS development dramatically.

If accelerating PMS development is your goal, I suggest you stop
commenting upon it... This thread has become a massive waste of time
thanks mainly to your input.

> *That* is what I have been trying to do, with the priority placed on
> getting Gentoo going in the right direction.

I think you need to step back and admit that at present, you're not
familiar enough with how Gentoo is operating to provide any kind of
input on that sort of topic. Give yourself time to get back into the
flow of things, learn what projects like PMS are *before* you start
jumping in on discussions. Apologise to everyone whose time you wasted
by making them read this thread if you like, but more importantly don't
do it again.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail                                : ciaranm at ciaranm.org
Web                                 : http://ciaranm.org/
Paludis, the secure package manager : http://paludis.pioto.org/

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