>> So before PerlMagick becomes independant of ImageMagick's configure,
>> upstream must change a few things.
> Has it changed that much recently? Because it *was* seperate for aeons
> and aeons before this. Installing perlmagick via use flag is a recent
> edition in the scheme of things.

I'm sorry, but how sure are you about this?

Have you ever looked into Makefile.PL in the past? Or have you even
taken a look at the Makefile.PL.in is it existed? It shows that many of
the "-l"-options are generated by configure. (Makefile.PL.in is template
for configure - you surely know that)

Or are we talking about some seperate PerlMagick-Distribution? I'm
talking about the PerlMagick which comes with imagemagick's tarball.

Actually, Makefile.PL should use pkgconfig or whatever is available to
detect all those "-l" options - or actually it's also sufficient to only
do -lMagick - who knows?

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