OK, since several people have asked what is going to be in this profile if it gets added, i had in mind something like the following (all filenames relative to gentoo-x86/profiles/):
=== paludis/deprecated: # DO NOT USE THIS PROFILE WITH PORTAGE. # This profile is intended for use with the Paludis package manager, # and requires features that current Portage versions do not support. # If you attempt to use it # with Portage, things *WILL* break. You have # been warned. # # paludis: ignore this paludis/packages: -*>=sys-apps/portage- *sys-apps/paludis paludis/virtuals: virtual/portage sys-apps/paludis paludis/package.mask: =sys-libs/glibc-2.4-r1 paludis/x86/parent: ../../default-linux/x86/2006.0 .. paludis/amd64/parent: ../../default-linux/amd64/2006.0 .. <similarly for other arch profiles, if they get added> <deprecated notice to be duplicated in all subprofiles if necessary> === The deprecated notice should address the concerns of those worried about people switching a Portage system to use one of these profiles, as it would then spit out a hard-to-miss notice upon attempting to do anything. Additionally, at present anyone using the sub-profiles with Portage would get a profile identical to the default-linux ones, due to Portage only considering the first line in parent. Possible additions at a later date could involve use.force for profiles where appropriate (the 'ip28' use flag is an obvious example), as well as package.use.mask being used for per-package USE combination restrictions. However, Portage at the moment ignores the files involved, so they do not affect the issue of Portage attempting to use one of these profiles. -- gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list