On Wednesday 17 May 2006 02:42, Stephen Bennett wrote:
> paludis/packages:
> -*>=sys-apps/portage-
> *sys-apps/paludis

Is there any reason that portage and paludis can not live together. As 
this basically blocks any kind of migration or backwards compatibility I 
see this as a very serious roadblock to the acceptance of paludis as a 
supported (secondary) package manager.

> The deprecated notice should address the concerns of those worried
> about people switching a Portage system to use one of these profiles,
> as it would then spit out a hard-to-miss notice upon attempting to do
> anything. Additionally, at present anyone using the sub-profiles with
> Portage would get a profile identical to the default-linux ones, due to
> Portage only considering the first line in parent.

With the contents of this profile I see no reason whatsoever to include it 
in the tree. Paludis itself could easilly maintain a blocker on portage. 
The rest is so boilerplate that it has no added benefit of having paludis 
use the normal profiles.

Using the normal profiles would also establish paludis as a possible 
replacement of portage as primary package manager. Refraining from doing 
so disqualifies paludis from becoming a replacement for portage. As the 
only point in adding a secondary package manager is the possible 
replacement of the current primary package manager, I see no point to 
make any paludis directed changes to the tree.

Paludis at this point is just a third party package manager, comparable to 
rpm, and should be treated as such. Paludis could become a secondary 
package manager (waranting limited tree changes) when it has proved 
stability and has taken away all limits that prevent it from replacing 
portage at some point.

If paludis does not aim at replacing portage, including an easy upgrade 
path and long testing, I see no point in using any gentoo resources in 
its support. This includes the pointlessness of making profile changes.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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