On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 05:32:38PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Wed, 17 May 2006 11:23:19 +0200 Wernfried Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | We really should figure that stuff out before we start integrating an
> | externally written package manager we have no influence on whatsoever
> How much influence does your typical Gentoo developer or user have over
> the development of Portage? Please consider long-standing feature
> requests such as :slot and [use] deps in your answer.

Can we *please* avoid the portage bashing for at least a few days?  

As we've discussed in the past, sane base design and you can do 
use/slot without too much trouble.  Folks *do* request things of 
portage, and it *does* get added- multilib came about via requests 
from lv (pretty quick turn around), axxo's need for env tricks to deal 
with /etc/profile issues* results in pre/post phase hooks being added, 

Portage devs work with a crap source trying to implement what folks 
want- the code does fight certain features.  That doesn't mean you can 
construe it as "portage devs don't listen" as you're implying.

Besides that, lay off 'em.  Lot of people want features out of 
portage, but nobody ever steps up- usually what comes of it is just 
someone flaming them, rather then providing a patch.

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