On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 16:55 +0100, Andrea Barisani wrote:
> Regarding the inclusion of ca-certificates as a PDEPEND (yeah a brief
> exchange of emails already happened on -dev but since it's not so easy to
> track it I'm lagging behind on this) I would like to express that I really
> don't like the fact that we are "trusting" cacert.org certs (among others)
> without providing it as a choice.
> Despite all the political views that we can throw in favour of a "cacert.org
> are trying to make the SSL certs world less evil" argument this is some major
> policy that we are supporting and it shouldn't be taken that lightly (I don't
> remember such a major confrontation about this) and I really don't think this
> should be a default policy but rather user's choice. Technically cacert.org
> is not a recognized CA in the "proper" way (and don't point that a proper CA
> is a lame concept and a snake oil thing..this is not the point).

> [CCing [EMAIL PROTECTED] because this concerns the team as well imho.]
> Just my 2 eurocent.
> P.S.
> I know that firefox doesn't trust /etc/ssl/certs by default, dunno about 
> konqueror. The point is still relevant though.

Do you think the PDEPEND of the ca-certs should be tied to a USE= flag?
If so should it be a 'no*certs' flag or a USE=cacerts ?
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