Regarding the inclusion of ca-certificates as a PDEPEND (yeah a brief exchange of emails already happened on -dev but since it's not so easy to track it I'm lagging behind on this) I would like to express that I really don't like the fact that we are "trusting" certs (among others) without providing it as a choice.
Despite all the political views that we can throw in favour of a " are trying to make the SSL certs world less evil" argument this is some major policy that we are supporting and it shouldn't be taken that lightly (I don't remember such a major confrontation about this) and I really don't think this should be a default policy but rather user's choice. Technically is not a recognized CA in the "proper" way (and don't point that a proper CA is a lame concept and a snake oil thing..this is not the point). [CCing [EMAIL PROTECTED] because this concerns the team as well imho.] Just my 2 eurocent. P.S. I know that firefox doesn't trust /etc/ssl/certs by default, dunno about konqueror. The point is still relevant though. -- Andrea Barisani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .*. Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Developer V ( ) PGP-Key 0x864C9B9E ( ) 0A76 074A 02CD E989 CE7F AC3F DA47 578E 864C 9B9E ^^_^^ "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" -- mailing list