Marius Mauch wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 09:32:55 +1100
> Ben Skeggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Anyway, the most important reason for the GLEP (IMO) is giving AT's
>>r/o access to CVS.  When working on bugs, it's always fun to find out
>>that the problem has already been resolved and just hasn't made it to
>>your local rsync mirror yet..
> Out of curiosity, what's the more important aspect of r/o cvs:
> - more up to date

Not necessarily true. We would not have the anon cvs access from our
primary cvs server. It would be synced on a regular basis to a separate
box. The newer cvs (which isn't on lark yet) may give us capabilities to
have a more 'live' cvs anon system. But as of now, the best infra can
provide is 30 minute updates. I don't want to poll the cvs more than
that to keep down the load.

> - easier selective updates

Yup, that's definitely a plus.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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