On Saturday 02 July 2005 14:41, Gregorio Guidi wrote:
> I'm back from a trip and I'm slowly catching up with all the mails on this
> topic, but a couple of things come to my mind ... please bear with me.
> First, a new eclass for Qt4 ebuilds should really be called qt4.eclass,
> with another one, qt3.eclass, to be used to port the current Qt3-based
> ebuilds. Dealing with more than one major version in a single eclass is a
> pain; this is mostly true for the kde eclasses, but still applies to Qt.
> In fact, we need to introduce a new clean eclass for KDE4-based
> applications, so starting from scratch with a kde4.eclass and a qt4.eclass
> makes a lot of sense.

I completely agree.

> As many already pointed out, using something like
>       DEPEND="$(qt_min_version 3.1)"
> is very ugly, so we should use it only if it is really unavoidable.

I agree too, but I haven't seen yet how it can be avoided.

> An application based on Qt4 should look just like this:
>       inherit qt4
>       HOMEPAGE=...
>       SRC_URI=...
>       ...
> the qt4 eclass would automatically add a DEPEND="=x11-libs/qt-4*", and
> would provide default src_compile(), src_install()...

That's fine, except I would think that very few ebuilds would be able to make 
use of a default src_compile() and src_install().  It works for the kde 
eclass because most of the kde packages are built using the standard kde 
auto* scripts, but I doubt many qt only packages have the same build 


While your proposal works okay for the qt4 scenario, I'm more concerned with 
the existing qt3 at the moment.  As is, I stil l don't see a way around what 
has been proposed for those ebuilds.  Until portage has the ability to handle 
&& deps, I fear there's no real way around it.  I don't think we'll have time 
to wait much longer; I expect ebuilds that need qt4 will start appearing in 
portage soon and the minute that qt4 is marked ~arch it instantly creates the 
dependency mess addressed previously.
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