+ binding, I checked:

[x] Download links are valid.
[x] Checksums and PGP signatures are valid.
[x] LICENSE, NOTICE and DISCLAIMER files exist and fine.
[ ] All files have license headers if necessary. ( Please consider fixing these 
issues Justin mentioned, Thanks.)
[x] No unexpected binary files.
[ ] Source code building successfully. (I didn’t build on my stack)

Trista Pan
Twitter & Github: tristaZero

---- Replied Message ----
| From | simon<m...@apache.org> |
| Date | 12/23/2023 23:26 |
| To | <general@incubator.apache.org> |
| Cc | <fannin...@apache.org> ,
<lgcar...@apache.org> ,
<hexiaoq...@apache.org> ,
<h...@apache.org> ,
<panj...@apache.org> ,
<lidong...@apache.org> ,
<ningji...@apache.org> ,
<l...@apache.org> |
| Subject | [VOTE] Release Apache HugeGraph (Incubating) 1.2.0 rc1 |
Hello Incubator Community,

This is a call for vote to release Apache HugeGraph (Incubating) version 1.2.0

The Apache HugeGraph community has voted on and approved a proposal to release 
Apache HugeGraph(Incubating) version 1.2.0

We now kindly request the Incubator PMC members review and vote on this 
incubator release.

HugeGraph community vote thread:
- https://lists.apache.org/thread/mnxld09b2ozwldcxb0rpp6s7cdbdnvsw

Vote result thread:
- https://lists.apache.org/thread/wns67scpfvcltk33pl403jl48pd0hc61

The release candidate:
- https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/hugegraph/1.2.0/

Git tag & Commit hash for the release:
- https://github.com/apache/incubator-hugegraph/tree/1.2.0  (7635c67)
- https://github.com/apache/incubator-hugegraph-toolchain/tree/1.2.0  (f85dcf3)
- https://github.com/apache/incubator-hugegraph-computer/tree/1.2.0  (0500fec)
- https://github.com/apache/incubator-hugegraph-commons/tree/1.2.0  (33fa9ed)

Release notes:
- https://hugegraph.apache.org/docs/changelog/hugegraph-1.2.0-release-notes/

Keys to verify the Release Candidate:
- https://downloads.apache.org/incubator/hugegraph/KEYS 

The release GPG user ID: simon (m...@apache.org)

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until the necessary number of 
votes are reached.

Please vote accordingly:
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

More detail checklist please refer:

Steps to validate the release,Please refer to:
English Version:
- https://hugegraph.apache.org/docs/contribution-guidelines/validate-release/
Chinese Version:
- https://hugegraph.apache.org/cn/docs/contribution-guidelines/validate-release/

On behalf of Apache HugeGraph(Incubating) community

Reply via email to