Dear all,

We received valuable comments from Dave, Justin, Willem and other community
members. We decided to choose ChaCloud as our project name. Cha represents
Chakra, which refers to seven spiritual energy points in the human body
in several ancient meditations practice ( So we interpret ChaCloud as a
'mighty' cloud that is composed of multiple (i.e. seven or more) clouds,
which is in accordance with the purpose of this project.

Now we are going to proceed to bring our project into Apache Incubator.
More comments are welcome.

Many thanks,

Jian Qiu

Juan Pan <> 于2021年4月21日周三 下午5:12写道:

> Hi,
> This discussion is a nice start for the open-source community building.
> I left my preference in that issue, hope it goes well. :)
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Juan Pan(Trista) Apache ShardingSphere
> On 04/19/2021 11:47,Jian Qiu<> wrote:
> Dear all,
> During the last few days, we came out with several candidate names. There
> is a vote on github:
> You are welcome to vote or leave your comments.
> Many thanks,
> Jian Qiu
> Nick Kew <> 于2021年4月17日周六 上午3:14写道:
> On 16 Apr 2021, at 14:35, Willem Jiang <> wrote:
> The literal translation "壹云" means "One Cloud".
> Maybe we need to think of a totally different name to avoid the
> conflict with the company name.
> Fascinating seeing you translate something so alien to my European eyes,
> into something mundane.
> Perhaps consider a name that preserves the meaning but adds cultural
> context?
> For example, we associate dragons with China (as well as Wales!), which
> might
> suggest "DragonCloud" (google translate makes that 龍雲).
> But I'm sure those involved with the project will have better ideas than my
> cultural blundering!
> --
> Nick Kew
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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