I believe the working language[1] of ASF projects is English.

1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_language

În Vin, 11 nov. 2016 la 11:13 Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org>
a scris:

> On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 8:37 AM, Niclas Hedhman <nic...@hedhman.org>
> wrote:
> > ...there have been language specific mailing lists in the past, but they
> tend
> > to be short-lived...
> I think an important distinction is between a project's dev list,
> which is where project decisions must be made. That one must currently
> be in English so that ASF members and the Board can review discussions
> and decisions if needed, without relying on imperfect translations.
> Having users channels in other languages can be useful but that's
> probably only viable for big projects with lots of users, so that each
> list can be a meaningful community.
> IMO chat channels in other languages than English are not really a
> problem, as long as the project's decisions happen on its dev list.
> Like with any other non-dev-list channel, someone needs to bring
> discussions to the dev list as long as they become important - like
> affecting the software development as opposed to just being coffee
> machine type discussions.
> -Bertrand
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