Thanks John, Craig and Ted for weighing in on this matter.
I wasn't clear about a few of the rules related to voting including:
1. A tie (and if the voting period will be extended when a tie occurs).2. Less 
than the required number of votes (+3 and how this will extend the voting 
period)3. Whether a non-incubator PMC member (who is the release manager) has 
CANCEL authority at the general@ voting level.4. Veto rule differences (or lack 
thereof) within the general@ voting vs dev@<podling> voting
My apologies if I missed this information within the Apache release related 
documents.My intent was to convey that I agreed with the -1 votes cast and to 
indicate we would resubmit a new release candidate.Note:I did not state that 
the vote failed because it was unclear to me it had (due to lack of minimum 
votes required at the end of the voting period and a tie).I did not state that 
the vote was cancelled since i had interpreted this in a manner similar to Ted 
- you cannot cancel a vote if the voting period has ended.
I do believe at this time there is clarification that in this case the vote did 
not succeed and we will submit a new release candidate.Should we update the (I can 
volunteer), adding the above clarifications would be valuable.

    On Monday, July 18, 2016 8:51 AM, Craig Russell <> 

> On Jul 18, 2016, at 8:43 AM, John D. Ament <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 11:20 AM Ted Dunning <> wrote:
>> A RESULT can still be given when the vote is cancelled. To my mind, the
>> major purpose of the CANCEL is to shorten the vote period so that the next
>> vote on the next iteration of the release candidate can start immediately
>> without confusion.
> Fair enough.  When reading it, my first inclination was that it looked like
> it passed.  I still think it would be better if we made there was something
> saying the vote did not pass.
I don’t disagree. I think the incubator documentation could be better by 
including the CANCEL procedure. It’s not clear that we have consensus on 
whether a CANCELed vote has a RESULT. ;-)

I’d propose that any VOTE has a RESULT: passed, failed, or canceled. Let the 
arrows fly!

And the comdev pages could also be similarly improved, for anyone who has an 


> John
>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:12 AM, Craig Russell <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> Given the state of Apache documented processes, I think it was perfectly
>>> fine to close this vote with a RESULT. I was not confused after reading
>>>>>> We will correct the noted problems and submit a 0.8.1-RC4.
>>> Recognizing that this document is (still!) in draft status
>>> "It is conventional to end a VOTE thread with a RESULT post tallying the
>>> votes cast. To preserve the thread, this should be done by replying to
>> the
>>> original VOTE post and adding a [RESULT] prefix. The subject may be
>>> retained as is or edited to indicate the result."
>>> I have seen both positive and negative vote results announced as results.
>>> If we expect folks to follow the proposed rule “Usually when a vote does
>>> not pass, the person initiating the vote sends out a [CANCEL] rather
>> than a
>>> [RESULT] (result inherently is treated as a "it passed" email).” we
>> should
>>> publish this rule somewhere.
>>> Regards,
>>> Craig
>>>> On Jul 18, 2016, at 4:38 AM, John D. Ament <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> ASF votes don't complete in 72 hours unless the required binding votes
>>> are
>>>> placed.  In this case you did not get +3 binding votes (you got +2 and
>>> -2,
>>>> which yields 0).  Its not clear from this email whether you're saying
>> the
>>>> vote has passed or not.  Usually when a vote does not pass, the person
>>>> initiating the vote sends out a [CANCEL] rather than a [RESULT] (result
>>>> inherently is treated as a "it passed" email).  Cancel makes it clearer
>>>> that you're withdrawing the vote due to the issues raised.
>>>> John
>>>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 12:00 AM Kam Kasravi
>>> <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi John
>>>>> The vote period has ended and I'm indicating that we will reissue a
>> new
>>>>> candidate release package in lieu of the down votes.Do I need to
>>> explicitly
>>>>> say 'cancel' the vote?
>>>>> ThanksKam
>>>>>  On Sunday, July 17, 2016 7:36 PM, John D. Ament <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Did you mean to cancel this vote?
>>>>> On Jul 17, 2016 22:29, "Kam Kasravi" <> wrote:
>>>>>> The results are in and voting is now closed.
>>>>>> [2] +1 Release this package as gearpump-0.8.1
>>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré (binding)
>>>>>> Andrew Purtell (binding)
>>>>>> [2] -1 Do not release this package
>>>>>> Justin Mclean (binding) missing DISCLAIMER and LICENSE problems
>>>>>> John D. Ament (binding) missing DISCLAIMER
>>>>>> We will correct the noted problems and submit a 0.8.1-RC4.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Kam
>>> Craig L Russell
>>> Architect
>>> P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!
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Craig L Russell
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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