(Removing dev@concerted from the To: list.)

Good grief. No one is suggesting there should be "steady activity
requirement". I and other Concerted mentors just have a hunch that the
project isn't doing well, and thought it would be better to bring our
concerns to this list earlier rather than later. Let's not turn it
into a debate over policy. If anyone can think of ways to help this
project, then we'd love to hear your ideas. If you can't think of ways
to help the project, or don't think the project needs to be helped,
then don't help.


On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 12:21 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Chris Nauroth <cnaur...@hortonworks.com>
> wrote:
>> As a Concerted mentor, I agree with the concern about lack of activity.  I
>> think this was a difficult month for the project considering both the
>> general drop in participation and the typical drop in activity that we
>> should expect to happen around the end-of-year holidays.  The monthly
>> reporting schedule implicitly requires that an incubating project show
>> some kind of demonstrable progress month-to-month.  Still, other podlings
>> did manage to sustain activity and complete a report during this time.
>> I see John has already raised concern about lack of activity in the
>> mentor/shepherd notes.  I just seconded that myself.
>> Can we consider giving the PPMC a chance to reset and aim to re-establish
>> steady activity this month?
> What is the steady activity requirement that has been injected into
> incubation?
> There are plenty of examples of projects that have enjoyed months and some
> years of lull between bursts of activity, usually around new requirements
> and
> interests by patch submittors or committers.
> By this reconning, there have been a number of times measured in weeks or
> months that the httpd and tomcat projects should have been folded.  Do we
> really believe that a steady state of activity is healthy?  On the
> contrary, it
> is the bursts of new activity that lead our projects into new and
> interesting
> territory, not an n commits/mo target.
> That said, we don't want podlings to linger here; release early, release
> often,
> demonstrate that new contributors are recognized as committers/[p]pmc
> members, and show us [incubator] that there isn't much more mentorship
> required for the effort to proceed in the model of the ASF.  A project that
> cannot get to a point of release in some reasonable time, e.g. a year or
> two, or who takes down their shingle and announces they can't attract a
> three+ community to sustain their effort, such projects should be retired.

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