On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 04:53PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 4:42 PM, Konstantin Boudnik <c...@apache.org> wrote:
> > So, you're saying that people were chosen to be listed or not as the
> > contributors merely by the amount of the code they have contributed to the
> > project. Am I reading this right?
> We've had this debate about committer cattle call additions many
> times. The position that Todd is taking is completely reasonable. The
> expectation that just about anybody can join a project during the
> proposal phase is messed up and I wish that tradition had never caught

That's not my point, Marvin. The people who contributed less than 20 commits
(hmm, why not 4 or a 107?) are still contributors. And in my opinion, they at
least have to be invited to participate in the podling, if it is accepted by
IPMC. So, I will re-phrase: "was an invitation to participate in the project
extended to all contributors?".

Shall it be done formally or by providing "Interested Party" is an
implementation detail. 


> on. Instead, there ought to be an "Interested Party" section in the
> proposal template where people can express interest and "subscribe to
> your newsletter".

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