Sounds great. I would love to be an help as a committer, if possible. This seems to be fantastic in line with my focus areas and can help existing big data projects to accelerate so Kudu's growth is something I would care about.
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 12:02 AM, Todd Lipcon <> wrote: > Hi all, > > We'd like to start a discussion proposing the submission of Kudu to the > Apache Incubator. > > The proposal is available on the Wiki here: > > and pasted in this email for easy quoting during discussion. > > Looking forward to hearing feedback! > > -Todd > --------------------- > > = Kudu Proposal = > > == Abstract == > > Kudu is a distributed columnar storage engine built for the Apache Hadoop > ecosystem. > > == Proposal == > > Kudu is an open source storage engine for structured data which supports > low-latency random access together with efficient analytical access > patterns. Kudu distributes data using horizontal partitioning and > replicates each partition using Raft consensus, providing low > mean-time-to-recovery and low tail latencies. Kudu is designed within the > context of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem and supports many integrations with > other data analytics projects both inside and outside of the Apache > Software Foundation. > > > > We propose to incubate Kudu as a project of the Apache Software Foundation. > > == Background == > > In recent years, explosive growth in the amount of data being generated and > captured by enterprises has resulted in the rapid adoption of open source > technology which is able to store massive data sets at scale and at low > cost. In particular, the Apache Hadoop ecosystem has become a focal point > for such “big data” workloads, because many traditional open source > database systems have lagged in offering a scalable alternative. > > > > Structured storage in the Hadoop ecosystem has typically been achieved in > two ways: for static data sets, data is typically stored on Apache HDFS > using binary data formats such as Apache Avro or Apache Parquet. However, > neither HDFS nor these formats has any provision for updating individual > records, or for efficient random access. Mutable data sets are typically > stored in semi-structured stores such as Apache HBase or Apache Cassandra. > These systems allow for low-latency record-level reads and writes, but lag > far behind the static file formats in terms of sequential read throughput > for applications such as SQL-based analytics or machine learning. > > > > Kudu is a new storage system designed and implemented from the ground up to > fill this gap between high-throughput sequential-access storage systems > such as HDFS and low-latency random-access systems such as HBase or > Cassandra. While these existing systems continue to hold advantages in some > situations, Kudu offers a “happy medium” alternative that can dramatically > simplify the architecture of many common workloads. In particular, Kudu > offers a simple API for row-level inserts, updates, and deletes, while > providing table scans at throughputs similar to Parquet, a commonly-used > columnar format for static data. > > > > More information on Kudu can be found at the existing open source project > website: and in particular in the Kudu white-paper PDF: > from which the above was excerpted. > > == Rationale == > > As described above, Kudu fills an important gap in the open source storage > ecosystem. After our initial open source project release in September 2015, > we have seen a great amount of interest across a diverse set of users and > companies. We believe that, as a storage system, it is critical to build an > equally diverse set of contributors in the development community. Our > experiences as committers and PMC members on other Apache projects have > taught us the value of diverse communities in ensuring both longevity and > high quality for such foundational systems. > > == Initial Goals == > > * Move the existing codebase, website, documentation, and mailing lists to > Apache-hosted infrastructure > * Work with the infrastructure team to implement and approve our code > review, build, and testing workflows in the context of the ASF > * Incremental development and releases per Apache guidelines > > == Current Status == > > ==== Releases ==== > > Kudu has undergone one public release, tagged here > > > This initial release was not performed in the typical ASF fashion -- no > source tarball was released, but rather only convenience binaries made > available in Cloudera’s repositories. We will adopt the ASF source release > process upon joining the incubator. > > > ==== Source ==== > > Kudu’s source is currently hosted on GitHub at > > > This repository will be transitioned to Apache’s git hosting during > incubation. > > > > ==== Code review ==== > > Kudu’s code reviews are currently public and hosted on Gerrit at > > > The Kudu developer community is very happy with gerrit and hopes to work > with the Apache Infrastructure team to figure out how we can continue to > use Gerrit within ASF policies. > > > > ==== Issue tracking ==== > > Kudu’s bug and feature tracking is hosted on JIRA at: > > > This JIRA instance contains bugs and development discussion dating back 2 > years prior to Kudu’s open source release and will provide an initial seed > for the ASF JIRA. > > > > ==== Community discussion ==== > > Kudu has several public discussion forums, linked here: > > > > > ==== Build Infrastructure ==== > > The Kudu Gerrit instance is configured to only allow patches to be > committed after running them through an extensive set of pre-commit tests > and code lints. The project currently makes use of elastic public cloud > resources to perform these tests. Until this point, these resources have > been internal to Cloudera, though we are currently investing in moving to a > publicly accessible infrastructure. > > > > ==== Development practices ==== > > Given that Kudu is a persistent storage engine, the community has a high > quality bar for contributions to its core. We have a firm belief that high > quality is achieved through automation, not manual inspection, and hence > put a focus on thorough testing and build infrastructure to ensure that > bar. The development community also practices review-then-commit for all > changes to ensure that changes are accompanied by appropriate tests, are > well commented, etc. > > Rather than seeing these practices as barriers to contribution, we believe > that a fully automated and standardized review and testing practice makes > it easier for new contributors to have patches accepted. Any new developer > may post a patch to Gerrit using the same workflow as a seasoned > contributor, and the same suite of tests will be automatically run. If the > tests pass, a committer can quickly review and commit the contribution from > their web browser. > > === Meritocracy === > > We believe strongly in meritocracy in electing committers and PMC members. > We believe that contributions can come in forms other than just code: for > example, one of our initial proposed committers has contributed solely in > the area of project documentation. We will encourage contributions and > participation of all types, and ensure that contributors are appropriately > recognized. > > === Community === > > Though Kudu is relatively new as an open source project, it has already > seen promising growth in its community across several organizations: > > * '''Cloudera''' is the original development sponsor for Kudu. > * '''Xiaomi''' has been helping to develop and optimize Kudu for a new > production use case, contributing code, benchmarks, feedback, and > conference talks. > * '''Intel''' has contributed optimizations related to their hardware > technologies. > * '''Dropbox''' has been experimenting with Kudu for a machine monitoring > use case, and has been contributing bug reports and product feedback. > * '''Dremio''' is working on integration with Apache Drill and exploring > using Kudu in a production use case. > * Several community-built Docker images, tutorials, and blog posts have > sprouted up since Kudu’s release. > > > > By bringing Kudu to Apache, we hope to encourage further contribution from > the above organizations as well as to engage new users and contributors in > the community. > > === Core Developers === > > Kudu was initially developed as a project at Cloudera. Most of the > contributions to date have been by developers employed by Cloudera. > > > > Many of the developers are committers or PMC members on other Apache > projects. > > === Alignment === > > As a project in the big data ecosystem, Kudu is aligned with several other > ASF projects. Kudu includes input/output format integration with Apache > Hadoop, and this integration can also provide a bridge to Apache Spark. We > are planning to integrate with Apache Hive in the near future. We also > integrate closely with Cloudera Impala, which is also currently being > proposed for incubation. We have also scheduled a hackathon with the Apache > Drill team to work on integration with that query engine. > > == Known Risks == > > === Orphaned Products === > > The risk of Kudu being abandoned is low. Cloudera has invested a great deal > in the initial development of the project, and intends to grow its > investment over time as Kudu becomes a product adopted by its customer > base. Several other organizations are also experimenting with Kudu for > production use cases which would live for many years. > > === Inexperience with Open Source === > > Kudu has been released in the open for less than two months. However, from > our very first public announcement we have been committed to open-source > style development: > > * our code reviews are fully public and documented on a mailing list > * our daily development chatter is in a public chat room > * we send out weekly “community status” reports highlighting news and > contributions > * we published our entire JIRA history and discuss bugs in the open > * we published our entire Git commit history, going back three years (no > squashing) > > > > Several of the initial committers are experienced open source developers, > several being committers and/or PMC members on other ASF projects (Hadoop, > HBase, Thrift, Flume, et al). Those who are not ASF committers have > experience on non-ASF open source projects (Kiji, open-vm-tools, et al). > > === Homogenous Developers === > > The initial committers are employees or former employees of Cloudera. > However, the committers are spread across multiple offices (Palo Alto, San > Francisco, Melbourne), so the team is familiar with working in a > distributed environment across varied time zones. > > > > The project has received some contributions from developers outside of > Cloudera, and is starting to attract a ''user'' community as well. We hope > to continue to encourage contributions from these developers and community > members and grow them into committers after they have had time to continue > their contributions. > > === Reliance on Salaried Developers === > > As mentioned above, the majority of development up to this point has been > sponsored by Cloudera. We have seen several community users participate in > discussions who are hobbyists interested in distributed systems and > databases, and hope that they will continue their participation in the > project going forward. > > === Relationships with Other Apache Products === > > Kudu is currently related to the following other Apache projects: > > * Hadoop: Kudu provides MapReduce input/output formats for integration > * Spark: Kudu integrates with Spark via the above-mentioned input formats, > and work is progressing on support for Spark Data Frames and Spark SQL. > > > > The Kudu team has reached out to several other Apache projects to start > discussing integrations, including Flume, Kafka, Hive, and Drill. > > > > Kudu integrates with Impala, which is also being proposed for incubation. > > > > Kudu is already collaborating on ValueVector, a proposed TLP spinning out > from the Apache Drill community. > > > > We look forward to continuing to integrate and collaborate with these > communities. > > === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand === > > Many of the initial committers are already experienced Apache committers, > and understand the true value provided by the Apache Way and the principles > of the ASF. We believe that this development and contribution model is > especially appropriate for storage products, where Apache’s > community-over-code philosophy ensures long term viability and > consensus-based participation. > > == Documentation == > > * Documentation is written in AsciiDoc and committed in the Kudu source > repository: > > * > > > > * The Kudu web site is version-controlled on the ‘gh-pages’ branch of the > above repository. > > * A LaTeX whitepaper is also published, and the source is available within > the same repository. > * APIs are documented within the source code as JavaDoc or C++-style > documentation comments. > * Many design documents are stored within the source code repository as > text files next to the code being documented. > > == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan == > > The Kudu codebase and web site is currently hosted on GitHub and will be > transitioned to the ASF repositories during incubation. Kudu is already > licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. > > > > Some portions of the code are imported from other open source projects > under the Apache 2.0, BSD, or MIT licenses, with copyrights held by authors > other than the initial committers. These copyright notices are maintained > in those files as well as a top-level NOTICE.txt file. We believe this to > be permissible under the license terms and ASF policies, and confirmed via > a recent thread on . > > > > The “Kudu” name is not a registered trademark, though before the initial > release of the project, we performed a trademark search and Cloudera’s > legal counsel deemed it acceptable in the context of a data storage engine. > There exists an unrelated open source project by the same name related to > deployments on Microsoft’s Azure cloud service. We have been in contact > with legal counsel from Microsoft and have obtained their approval for the > use of the Kudu name. > > > > Cloudera currently owns several domain names related to Kudu (, >, et al) which will be transferred to the ASF and redirected to > the official page during incubation. > > > > Portions of Kudu are protected by pending or published patents owned by > Cloudera. Given the protections already granted by the Apache License, we > do not anticipate any explicit licensing or transfer of this intellectual > property. > > == External Dependencies == > > The full set of dependencies and licenses are listed in > > > and summarized here: > > * '''Twitter Bootstrap''': Apache 2.0 > * '''d3''': BSD 3-clause > * '''epoch JS library''': MIT > * '''lz4''': BSD 2-clause > * '''gflags''': BSD 3-clause > * '''glog''': BSD 3-clause > * '''gperftools''': BSD 3-clause > * '''libev''': BSD 2-clause > * '''squeasel''':MIT license > * '''protobuf''': BSD 3-clause > * '''rapidjson''': MIT > * '''snappy''': BSD 3-clause > * '''trace-viewer''': BSD 3-clause > * '''zlib''': zlib license > * '''llvm''': University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source (BSD-alike) > * '''bitshuffle''': MIT > * '''boost''': Boost license > * '''curl''': MIT > * '''libunwind''': MIT > * '''nvml''': BSD 3-clause > * '''cyrus-sasl''': Cyrus SASL license (BSD-alike) > * '''openssl''': OpenSSL License (BSD-alike) > > * '''Guava''': Apache 2.0 > * '''StumbleUpon Async''': BSD > * '''Apache Hadoop''': Apache 2.0 > * '''Apache log4j''': Apache 2.0 > * '''Netty''': Apache 2.0 > * '''slf4j''': MIT > * '''Apache Commons''': Apache 2.0 > * '''murmur''': Apache 2.0 > > > '''Build/test-only dependencies''': > > * '''CMake''': BSD 3-clause > * '''gcovr''': BSD 3-clause > * '''gmock''': BSD 3-clause > * '''Apache Maven''': Apache 2.0 > * '''JUnit''': EPL > * '''Mockito''': MIT > > == Cryptography == > > Kudu does not currently include any cryptography-related code. > > == Required Resources == > > === Mailing lists === > > * (PMC) > * (git push emails) > * (JIRA issue feed) > * (Gerrit code reviews plus dev discussion) > * (User questions) > > > === Repository === > > * git:// > > === Gerrit === > > We hope to continue using Gerrit for our code review and commit workflow. > The Kudu team has already been in contact with Jake Farrell to start > discussions on how Gerrit can fit into the ASF. We know that several other > ASF projects and podlings are also interested in Gerrit. > > > > If the Infrastructure team does not have the bandwidth to support Gerrit, > we will continue to support our own instance of Gerrit for Kudu, and make > the necessary integrations such that commits are properly authenticated and > maintain sufficient provenance to uphold the ASF standards (e.g. via the > solution adopted by the AsterixDB podling). > > == Issue Tracking == > > We would like to import our current JIRA project into the ASF JIRA, such > that our historical commit messages and code comments continue to reference > the appropriate bug numbers. > > == Initial Committers == > > * Adar Dembo > * Alex Feinberg > * Andrew Wang > * Dan Burkert > * David Alves > * Jean-Daniel Cryans > * Mike Percy > * Misty Stanley-Jones > * Todd Lipcon > > The initial list of committers was seeded by listing those contributors who > have contributed 20 or more patches in the last 12 months, indicating that > they are active and have achieved merit through participation on the > project. We chose not to include other contributors who either have not yet > contributed a significant number of patches, or whose contributions are far > in the past and we don’t expect to be active within the ASF. > > == Affiliations == > > * Adar Dembo - Cloudera > * Alex Feinberg - Forward Networks > * Andrew Wang - Cloudera > * Dan Burkert - Cloudera > * David Alves - Cloudera > * Jean-Daniel Cryans - Cloudera > * Mike Percy - Cloudera > * Misty Stanley-Jones - Cloudera > * Todd Lipcon - Cloudera > > == Sponsors == > > === Champion === > > * Todd Lipcon > > === Nominated Mentors === > > * Jake Farrell - ASF Member and Infra team member, Acquia > * Brock Noland - ASF Member, StreamSets > * Michael Stack - ASF Member, Cloudera > * Jarek Jarcec Cecho - ASF Member, Cloudera > * Chris Mattmann - ASF Member, NASA JPL and USC > * Julien Le Dem - Incubator PMC, Dremio > > === Sponsoring Entity === > > The Apache Incubator > -- Regards, Atri *l'apprenant*