On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Luke Han <luke...@gmail.com> wrote: > In "community" section of this proposal, there are many companies > have been mentioned including Xiaomi, Dropbox, Intel and Dremio, > and said there are contributions from them. > > I think their engineers are more interesting and be involved > in Kudu actively, why not think about to invite them to be committer first? >
Per earlier messages on the thread and per the proposal: because they haven't yet shown significant contributions over a sustained period. Interest is one thing, but interest is not sufficient to become a committer in a meritocracy. The folks called out in the community section are those who have interest and are somewhere on the path towards committership, but aren't there yet. I have every hope (and expectation) that they will get there if they keep up their good work. I would rather not discuss specific people's progress towards committership in a public forum. Rather, I hoped that we could start with the proposed committer list, and during incubation we can discuss potential new committers and PMC members following the typical ASF processes on our PPMC's private list. I'm counting on our experienced mentors to keep us all honest -- they should absolutely call us out if the initial committers act exclusionary or otherwise violate the ASF principles of being an inclusive meritocracy. -Todd