On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 2:10 AM, Branko Čibej <br...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 24.07.2015 21:00, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:
>> An an active mentor of the podling I do support the graduation. The last, to
>> my knowledge, concern expressed was about insufficient open discussions of 
>> the
>> new features on the dev@ and that has been addressed by [1]
>> WRT your observation: I do think the diversity part in the graduation
>> requirement is moot and, as this discussion shows, quite counter-productive. 
>> I
>> will start a separate [DISCUSS] about reconsidering its presence in the
>> guidelines.
>> [1] http://s.apache.org/vYK
> Seconded.

Makes three of us. As a mentor, I fully support graduation of this podling.


P.S. Also, after going through the thread, I still maintain that I have nothing
to add to what I've already said wrt. perception on what diversity requirement
really means. As somebody who's been with the IPMC for almost 5 years now
I would like to make an observation: we seem to get confused from time to time
on what the real purpose and status of the IPMC is. Perhaps this corresponds
to the waves of new folks joining us in which case I'm totally happy
with us educating
them on those things (I just hope it doesn't turn into an "Eternal September").
Perhaps instead of trying to forever hunt for yet another corner case
in an attempt
to fully document the incubation process we all could just remember that:
   #1 our ultimate mission is to help the ASF board not waste their time with
        communities that, if looked at as a TLP, would surely trigger
a board action
        of some kind.
   #2 The #1 goal is achieved via mentorship. In fact mentorship is
not even required
        as the case of Zest (and hopeful Yetus soon) demonstrated.
   #3 When mentorship is required IPMC entrusts the mentors to guide
the project to
        graduation. It should should let them do that.
   #4 IPMC should NOT be confused with an ASF project. This is
incoherent given its
        size and composition. The Incubator is a curriculum, not a community.

In short, I'd like to see IPMC behave more like the ASF board, and
provide an effective
oversight over the mentors not micro management. This is a tough
balance, I know.
Yet, I'm sure that folks here in general mean well and are capable of
striking that very


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