On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Justin Erenkrantz <jus...@erenkrantz.com> wrote:
> It's extremely hard to come to Apache when you have a vague idea and no > code. > > The Incubator is simply too high a bar for folks who just want to play > with an idea and aren't sure where it is heading. > > So, I wouldn't hold it against people - turn it on ourselves - how can > we create a process to facilitate people who aren't ready yet? > > FWIW, my opinion from last night is that is exactly what GitHub is > for. (Apache Labs was that place at one time, but it's only for > members - not external folks.) Once you have that rough consensus and > running code and have a fledgling community of stakeholders, then it's > time to bring it to Apache via the Incubator. To be fair, there were > others who disagreed; but, the rough consensus (ha!) was that the > Incubator hasn't yet cracked that model. > Well, the case of non-vague idea and little or no code is exemplified by Apache Drill which has turned out pretty well. Good releases, good code, needs more diversity still. But a good project that worked very well in incubation. Your end-point of vague idea is a different case and I agree with you there.