Or we could just do it

We debated plenty. Three proposals came out of it (two if you look at mine as 
the strawman it was intended to be).

Those proposals are not mutually exclusive.

I say record them in the wiki. Run them for a while. Then compare against the 
problems document we drew up a couple of years back and see how effective they 

Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan D. Cabrera [mailto:l...@toolazydogs.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 2:52 PM
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Next steps for various proposals (mentor re-boot, pTLP, etc.)

> On Jan 14, 2015, at 8:48 AM, Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> at this point we have had a few lively threads discussing three 
> somewhat different proposals:
>   #1 mentor re-boot
>   #2 pTLP
>   #3 Ross's strawman http://s.apache.org/8eS it feels to me that all 
> three need additional work to be done before we can have any 
> reasonable consensus around them (let alone voting).
> Wearing my chair hat, I would like to suggest that the next step 
> should be: for each proposal we identify points that are going to 
> block consensus (AKA would result in -1 vote if it comes to a vote). I 
> suggest we do it on the wiki pages themselves (I'll wikify Ross's 
> proposal tonight). Not editing the wikis but simply collecting this 
> feedback as the last section in each proposal. The idea would be to 
> identify all such points in a week or so.
> Sounds good?

Another, or complementary, way this could be done is to work out the pros and 
cons on a spreadsheet.  This would not take the place of a vote, but would 
provide some useful insight into the opinions that the community has with 
regards to various aspects of each proposal.

http://s.apache.org/reboot <http://s.apache.org/reboot>

People who wish to contribute their opinions can send an email to adc at apache 
dot org and I will add them to the list of editors.

There is a Pros tab.  Here people can add columns that represent an 
advantageous aspect that a proposal should cause.  It doesn’t have to apply to 
all, or any, of the existing proposals.  There is no limit to the number of 
advantages aspects added to this tab.  Each row in this spreadsheet, this tab 
specifically, is for each person to indicate using 0-5 how important they feel 
that particular advantageous aspects are to solving the Incubator’s “woes”.

There is a Cons tab. Here people can add columns that represent an 
disadvantageous aspect that a proposal could cause.  It doesn’t have to apply 
to all, or any, of the existing proposals.  There is no limit to the number of 
disadvantageous aspects added to this tab.  Each row in this spreadsheet, this 
tab specifically, is for each person to indicate using 0-5 how relevant they 
feel that particular disadvantageous aspects are to solving the Incubator’s 

The above two tabs will represent what the community thinks are good things and 
bad things to do for the Incubator. 

Then for each proposal there is a corresponding Pros and Cons tab.  These are 
for people to indicate how strongly they feel that certain advantageous or 
disadvantageous aspects apply to specific proposals using 0-5.

All of this data bubbles up to the summary tab.


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