
Are all three available on the wiki? Maybe link to them just in case I
missed one..


On Wed Jan 14 2015 at 11:48:41 AM Roman Shaposhnik <> wrote:

> Hi!
> at this point we have had a few lively threads
> discussing three somewhat different proposals:
>    #1 mentor re-boot
>    #2 pTLP
>    #3 Ross's strawman
> it feels to me that all three need additional work
> to be done before we can have any reasonable
> consensus around them (let alone voting).
> Wearing my chair hat, I would like to suggest that
> the next step should be: for each proposal we identify
> points that are going to block consensus (AKA would
> result in -1 vote if it comes to a vote). I suggest we
> do it on the wiki pages themselves (I'll wikify Ross's
> proposal tonight). Not editing the wikis but simply
> collecting this feedback as the last section in each
> proposal. The idea would be to identify all such
> points in a week or so.
> Sounds good?
> Thanks,
> Roman.
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