My interpretation (and it's just that) is:

Example: Release Vote

A podling votes to release (VOTE email to dev@project). The PPMC and IPMC/PPMC 
(i.e. Mentors) member votes are binding at the PPMC level. This means that 
those votes are binding and community votes are non-binding. 

If the PPMC vote passes, the release vote can proceed to the IPMC level (a VOTE 
email to general@). At this point, PPMC votes are non-binding. Mentor (since 
mentors are by definition IPMC members) and any non-mentor IPMC member votes 
can carry over and are binding. Then it's a matter of getting enough additional 
binding IPMC votes to meet the requirement. At this point, PPMC and community 
votes are non-binding.

Again, this is just my interpretation, and I may be off here.


> On Jul 24, 2014, at 6:57 PM, Justin Mclean <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone clarify this as it's not mentioned at [1].
> Whose votes are binding for releases on the podlings dev list? Obviously 
> mentors and PPMC members, but are IPMC members votes binding? I would assume 
> so but don't see it stated anywhere. Would Apache members votes be binding?
> Assuming IPMC votes are binding what happen if a podling release dev list 
> vote got 3 +1 IPMC votes, would a voted need to done on general @ incubator 
> or not?
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1.
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