On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 1:16 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
<bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:

> I've just added "as a plain text file" in the release manifest creation 
> section.
> I suggest using simpler, more active phrases for a few things at
> https://paste.apache.org/fBoJ - feel free to apply or not, it's mostly
> a question of style.

I like your changes and have committed most of the patch.  The one thing I
left out was substantive: I did not commit the additional requirement that
manifest template changes be discussed on general@incubator.  Instead, I
clarified that the template may be "augmented" rather than "customized":

I also went another round on the Manifest template and the Release Procedure
section of the guide (not yet committed): https://paste.apache.org/a1ya

*   Add `Usage: http://incubator.apache.org/guides/release.html` link.
*   Change `Release:` to `Release Candidate:`.
*   Remove `Creation date:` because that will be tracked in SVN.
*   Add `Approved by Mentor:` and remove
    `Status: (vote in progress/canceled/released)`.  Whether a vote is in
    progress is determined by whether the manifest has been archived.  Whether
    it was released or not is less important than whether a Mentor has approved
    the manifest, making PPMC votes binding (for releases after the first).
*   Reverse the stacking order of `Contents` and `Reviewers and release votes`
    just for the sake of making the usage examples easier to write.
*   Move most instructions from the manifest template to the guide.
*   Add back the sample usage from your original wiki proposal, now inlined
    into the `Release Procedure` section of the guide.


Marvin Humphrey

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