Joe is correct: 7-Nov is the Board F2F at an offsite location during the Monday of ApacheCon.

The normal November meeting, where we'd expect monthly reports, is on the 16th as normal.

The October meeting was indeed moved somewhat late, but I was hoping no-one else would mind having a couple of extra days. 8-)

- Shane

On 10/19/2011 4:57 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
The board@ rescheduled the meeting
at the beginning of this month.  The
second round of nags had the date right;
the first round didn't.

Nov 7 is perhaps the board's face-to-face
meeting in Vancouver.  I would expect the 16th
to be the date for Nov PMC reports to be submitted,
but just an educated guess.

From: Noel J. Bergman<>
To:; Joe Schaefer<>
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 4:48 PM
Subject: RE: October 2011 Incubator Board Report

Keep in mind the board meeting isn't until
next week, so there's still time to address
the missingreports.

<<sigh>>  We had the meeting date wrong, too.  When did October move to the
4th week?  And I have no idea when the November meeting will be, since there
are two dates in there (7th and 16th).

     --- Noel

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