The board@ rescheduled the meeting
at the beginning of this month.  The
second round of nags had the date right;
the first round didn't.

Nov 7 is perhaps the board's face-to-face
meeting in Vancouver.  I would expect the 16th
to be the date for Nov PMC reports to be submitted,
but just an educated guess.

>From: Noel J. Bergman <>
>To:; Joe Schaefer <>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 4:48 PM
>Subject: RE: October 2011 Incubator Board Report
>> Keep in mind the board meeting isn't until
>> next week, so there's still time to address
>> the missingreports.
><<sigh>> We had the meeting date wrong, too.  When did October move to the
>4th week?  And I have no idea when the November meeting will be, since there
>are two dates in there (7th and 16th).
>    --- Noel

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