Keep in mind the board meeting isn't until
next week, so there's still time to address
the missingreports.

>From: Noel J. Bergman <>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:05 PM
>Subject: October 2011 Incubator Board Report
>Most of the general discussion on the Incubator list over the past month was
>how to improve the usability of the Incubator web-site.
>S4 (Simple Scalable Streaming System) -- a general-purpose, distributed,
>scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform that allows
>programmers to easily develop applications for processing continuous,
>unbounded streams of data -- was voted to begin Incubation.
>Any23 (Anything To Triples) -- a Java library, a Web service and a set of
>command line tools to extract and validate structured data in RDF format
>from a variety of Web documents and markup formats -- was voted to begin
>Apache DirectMemory -- a multi-layered cache implementation featuring
>off-heap memory storage (ala Terracotta BigMemory) to enable caching of Java
>objects without degrading JVM performance -- was voted to begin Incubation.
>Apache Callback (derived from PhonaGap) -- a platform for building native
>(Apple iOS, Google Android, RIM BlackBerry, Microsoft Windows Phone 7, HP
>webOS, Nokia Symbian and Samsung Bada) mobile applications using HTML, CSS
>and JavaScript -- was voted to begin Incubation.
>DeltaCloud is currently voting on graduation from the Incubator.  ACE is
>also discussing graduation.
>ETCH, HAMA, HCATALOG (managed to do a release, though), KATO, MANIFOLDCF
>(also managed to do a release, though), RAT and WAVE all failed to report
>this month.  The Chair is raising the issue of what to do with these
>Accumulo is a sorted, distributed key/value store based on BigTable's
>design.  Accumulo entered incubation in September 2011.
>In the move towards graduation, we must address:
>1. Learning Apache procedures
>2. Creating releases
>3. Building a community
>Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware
>Discussion is ongoing as to whether agreements other than ICLAs are needed
>or desirable for people employed by the US government to make contributions
>to Apache (see LEGAL-100).
>Developments since entering incubation:
>* mailing lists created
>* JIRA created
>* SVN directory and git mirror created
>* accounts for initial committers created
>* ICLAs and Software Grant filed
>* CMS-ready site begun
>* initial code uploaded
>* Jenkins build created
>* ReviewBoard group created
>Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to centrally
>manage and distribute software components, configuration data and other
>artifacts to target systems. ACE started incubation on April 24th 2009.
>There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.
>* We've got a lot of great feedback and patches from the community.
>* There have been talks with the jclouds (we use them) as well as the
>Amdatu (they use us) open source projects.
>* We now have a REST client API.
>* The management agent has been extended.
>* Karaf features were added.
>* We have a server side resolver based on Apache Felix.
>Licensing and other issues:
>* None at the moment.
>Things to resolve prior to graduation:
>* We hope this is our very last board report as we think we're ready for
>graduation now!
>Ambari is monitoring, administration and lifecycle management project for
>Apache Hadoop clusters.
>* Incubating since 30 August 2011.
>* Mailing lists created and mentors subscribed.
>* Confluence created.
>* Initial code committed.
>* Site created.
>* Code grant received.
>* Development proceeding actively.
>* RAT added to pom and report is clean.
>Anything To Triples (shortly Any23) defined as a Java library, a Web service
>and a set of command line tools to extract and validate structured data in
>RDF format from a variety of Web documents and markup formats. Any23 is what
>it is informally named an RDF Distiller.
>A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards
>   1. Port Any23 code to ASF infrastructure and update license headers
>   2. Develop a strong community with organizational diversity and with
>strong connections to other relevant ASF communities.
>   3. At least one Any23 incubating release
>Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC), Tika PMC, or ASF Board wish/need
>to be aware of?
>No, not at this time.
>How has the community developed since the last report?
>Everyone has their ASF account set up, except for Giovanni Tumarello (ICLA
>filed and Chris working on getting
>account set up). We've already moved our discussions onto the public mailing
>lists now that they are set up.
>How has the project developed since the last report?
>Any23 was voted into the Incubator by the IPMC on October 1, 2011.
>Software grants from DERI and from FBK have been filed and accepted thanks
>to Michele Mostarda. There has already
>been discussion of how to move over JIRA issues and Wiki issues from the
>Google Code site and the full issues transition
>was completed on 12/10/2011. Code imports will likely begin soon, and a
>pointer on the existing Google Code site will point to the ASF Incubator
>as the new home. Simone has created us a podling status page. Chris filed
>INFRA-3978 to track JIRA, Wiki
>and mailing list creation for podling set up. It's all taken care of (thanks
>Celix is an implementation of the OSGi Specification in C.
>Celix entered incubation on November 2, 2010.
>In the code not much has changed during the past few months, mostly due to
>vacations. Some (reported) bugs have been fixed, and some interesting
>examples have been added. These example where donated by a user, and follow
>the OSGi in Action book. This makes them a great addition to Celix.
>Furthermore, some work has been done to make testing from CMake easier, and
>we are also looking into a method for mocking services to be able to test
>only one service without all its dependencies.
>On the community site, Luminis and Thales are organizing an event (in Dutch)
>to introduce embedded/distributed companies to OSGi. During this event OSGi
>will be explained, Celix and PojoSR will be introduced. Also a small
>introduction in Apache and the "Apache Way" will be given, with the goal to
>invite people to use/join Celix.
>Also, in november a talk and demo will be given at the ApacheCon.
>Most important issues are:
>    Improve robustness (APR, error handling etc)
>    Generate awareness and grow a community!
>Chukwa is Hadoop monitoring system
>Chukwa is an open source data collection system for monitoring large
>distributed systems.
>A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards
>   1. Simplify the build process and provide sample to use cases.
>   2. At least one Apache Incubator release.
>   3. Develop a strong community with organizational diversity and well
>aligned with existing ASF projects as outlined here:
>Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
>No, not at this time.
>How has the community developed since the last report?
>There are some activity on the user mailing list, and some new users
>participated in adopting Chukwa for processing and visualizing big data
>How has the project developed since the last report?
>There are several bug fixes, and migration to Hadoop Metrics 2 for Hadoop
>Deft is a non-blocking, asynchronous, event driven high performance web
>framework running on the JVM. The project entered incubation on 2011-07-08.
>The most important issues to address in moving to graduation:
>   1. Prepare an initial incubation release.
>   2. Attract more committers, and other community members.
>   3. Secure the previously used URL, "".
>Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
>- Not at this time.
>How has the community developed since the last report?
>- There have been no significant developments.
>How has the project developed since the last report?
>- Outstanding tasks are still being worked on, and the branch has been moved
>to trunk.
>- There is a vote pending on project name change, a task previously
>identified as needing to be addressed before graduation.
>Easyant is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy. Incubating
>since 2011-01-31.
>Towards graduation, we need to:
>* Creating a release
>* Building a community
>Since the last report:
>* an initial committer of Easyant didn't provided its iCLA. Hence an
>iterative cleanup of the code has been done together with developers and
>mentors. This cleanup is finished, the IP clearance is considered done,
>acknowledge by mentors.
>* no particular progress on the diversity of the community
>* discussion has started to how setup the build which will fit the ASF
>release guidelines
>Apache Empire-db is a relational database abstraction layer that allows
>developers to take a more SQL-centric approach in application development
>than traditional ORM frameworks. Its focus is to allow highly efficient
>database operations in combination with a maximum of compile-time-safety and
>DBMS independence. Empire-db has entered Incubation in August 2008.
>Activity since last report:
>* a lot of work on the code has been done in order to address architectural
>changes that may significantly improve the ease-of-use and robustness of the
>code. These changes have been the biggest core code changes since
>* Testing of the new features and preparation of a new release are in
>* many of our committers have worked and contributed to this upcoming
>release especially all new committers that have joined the project since
>incubation. This gives us confidence that community improvements are slow
>but steady and that once people have learned about the benefits of Empire-db
>they will stick to it.
>* requests of new users on mailing lists have been answered and problems
>have been solved.
>Top priorities prior to graduation:
>* Finish and publish the release
>* Go out and advertise the benefits of Empire-db in general and the
>advantages of the new features in particular
>Signed off by mentor:
>Giraph is a large-scale, fault-tolerant, Bulk Synchronous Parallel
>(BSP)-based graph processing framework that runs on Hadoop. Giraph
>entered the incubator in August 2011.
>Project developments:
>* JIRA activity steadily increased (57 issues reported so far)
>* added Jake Mannix and Dmitriy Ryaboy as committers/PPMC members
>Next steps:
>* Making a release.
>* Update on 1 initial committer who still hasn't filed an ICLA. He
>will fill off the ICLA by next week.
>Managed to do a release, but FAILED TO REPORT
>(introduced to Apache incubator on Jul 4, 2011)
>Kafka provides an extremely high throughput distributed publish/subscribe
>messaging system. Additionally, it supports relatively long term persistence
>of messages to support a wide variety of consumers, partitioning of the
>message stream across servers and consumers, and functionality for loading
>data into Apache Hadoop for offline, batch processing.
>A list of the most important issues to address in the move towards
>   1. Successful podling release.
>   2. Invite diverse new active committers
>Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware
>Not at this time.
>How has the community developed since the last report?
>We are getting very close to release the very first version of Kafka in
>Apache. A couple of RCs have been proposed and we are still fixing various
>license header issues reported by rat. The proposed RC fixed more than 40
>issues. The main feature added in the RC is end-to-end compression support.
>How has the project developed since the last report?
>Activities in the mailing list remain high. Several patches from
>non-committers have been submitted, reviewed and committed.
>*Apache Kalumet*
>Kalumet a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE
>environments (application servers, applications, etc), softwares, and
>Kalumet was accepted into Apache Incubator on September 20, 2011. See
>Status Page information:
>First report:
>* Creation of mailing list.
>* Creation of Jira project.
>* Creation of Confluence Space.
>* Various committers account creation.
>* Pending: svn repository (svndump has been provided)
>Issues before graduation
>* Create Kalumet web site.
>* Make an incubating release.
>* Grow the community size and diversity.
>Lucy is a loose port of the Apache Lucene search engine library, written in
>and targeted at dynamic language users.
>Lucy was voted into the Incubator on July 22, 2010.
>Progress since the last report:
>* Released versions 0.2.0 and 0.2.1.
>* Added new committer Brad Harder.
>* Technical developments:
>   * Eliminated one of two remaining dependencies covered by LEGAL-86
>     (JSON::XS).  Only Parse::RecDescent remains.
>   * Reestablished Windows portability.
>   * Continued Clownfish C porting.
>Top priorities prior to graduation:
>* Disperse knowledge of codebase among developers.
>Issues for Incubator PMC or ASF Board:
>* None at this time.
>* Implementation of a replicated log has been completed (based on Paxos).
>Next steps will be to use the log to enable the Mesos masters to have an
>accurate snapshot of the currently running frameworks, currently connected
>slaves, etc. This will enable the Mesos master to be able to launch the
>schedulers rather than them needing to be launched independently. In
>addition, the log will be useful to give to schedulers that want
>* Numerous bugs have been fixed by new contributors: Vinod Kone, Brian
>Wickman, John Sirois.
>* Numerous bug fixes and features were added surrounding the interaction
>Mesos has with ZooKeeper, including in-process ZooKeeper testing
>(contributed by John Sirois).
>* Progress has been made on moving the build system to autotools. We'd like
>to accomplish this before trying to do a release.
>The ODF Toolkit is a set of Java modules that allow programmatic creation,
>scanning and manipulation of OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF)
>documents. Unlike other approaches which rely on runtime manipulation of
>heavy-weight editors via an automation interface, the ODF Toolkit is
>lightweight and ideal for server use.
>* ODF Toolkit entered incubation on Aug 1st, 2011.
>* Most important issues to address.
>  1) Growing the community, increasing diversity of committers
>  2) Completing IP review and updating headers
>  3) Successful podling release.
>* Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware
>  None at this time.
>* How has the community developed since the last report
>  The mailing lists are ready now for 55 days.  We have 36 subscribers.
>We're starting to receive patches from new contributors.
>* How has the project developed since the last report.
>Legacy Bugzilla issue tracker has been migrated to the Apache JIRA instance.
>We're now working on the details of source and binary release directory
>layouts and build automation to support the same in preparation for our
>first release.
>We're exploring enabling Jenkins support for the build.
>Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability,
>functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing
>a reasonably complex application in several different technologies.
>Olio entered incubation in October 2008
>There is no development activity on this project. There was at least 1 new
>user in the last quarter who used Olio.
>Graduation From Incubation:
>The user base is not showing growth. Since this is a test
>it is being used as such for short-term projects.
>I think the decision was made to simply keep the project so users can
>continue to access it.
># Oozie
>* Oozie is a workflow management and scheduler primarily for Hadoop based
>* Oozie entered the incubation on July 11, 2011.
>* A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards
>   * Make the first Oozie release from Apache incubation.
>   * Improve the documentations: user, development for quicker adoption
>   * Establish the formal contribution process (such as CTR vs RTC)
>* Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware
>   * No issues.
>* How has the community developed since the last report:
>   * Oozie user entirely moved to Apache Incubator using new user group
>email for communication.
>   * Oozie-user email list is active and nearly 75 emails were exchanged in
>last month.
>   * oozie-dev email list had nearly 150 emails in last month.
>* How has the project developed since the last report.
>   * Development is completely based on Oozie code from Apache SVN.
>   * Development activity became stronger during the last month. Nearly 12
>people created 24 JIRA in last month.
>   * Extensively using review-board for patches. Development community has
>addressed nearly 20 code reviews.
>* entered incubation 2011-06-13.
> is an open-source, office-document productivity suite
>providing six productivity applications based around the OpenDocument Format
>(ODF). is released on multiple platforms.  Its localizations
>support 110 languages worldwide.
>* Most Important To Address:
>1) Migration of the remaining legacy website's content and
>services to Apache infrastructure, including wiki, forums, mailing lists,
>and cross-service registration using customized software not already
>supported by Apache projects and infrastructure.  Successful negotiation of
>governance migration of user-supported services brought under incubation.
>Resolution of copyright, license and notice for content miugrated from
>legacy website.
>2) Completion of the IP-review portions of the incubation checklist, which
>will require getting an amended SGA from Oracle to cover additional source
>files; scrubbing of incompatible notices from SGA-licensed code and
>resolving provenance of other existing materials being migrated.  There are
>serveral modules that have non-compliant dependencies which will need to be
>3) A Successful Podling Release
>* Issues for IPMC or ASF Board Awareness
>* Community Development Progress
>As of 2011-10-12 there are 76 committers with 55 on the PPMC, compared to 72
>and 55 at last report.
>To serve our Japanese contributor base we've added an ooo-general-ja list.
>Active discussions with an autonomous group that runs a support bulletin
>board for OpenOffice on the possibility of that community joining the AOOo
>Discussion of criteria for bringing on new committers and PPMC members, and
>whether or not there should be a separate criteria for each role, as well as
>how these decisions should be communicated to the project.
>Discussion of roles for PPMC members including TDF liaison, branding, press,
>and legal affairs.
>* Project Development Progress
>Dev focus has been on IP review and replacement of copyleft dependencies.
>Detailed planning continues on public wiki:
>Migration of several parts of the infrastructure are in
>various stages.
>S4 (Simple Scalable Streaming System) is a general-purpose, distributed,
>scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform that allows
>programmers to easily develop applications for processing continuous,
>unbounded streams of data.
>S4 entered incubation on September 26th 2011.
>* Issues before graduation
>1. Migrate code from github to Apache SVN and make an initial release on
>Apache with the current code (version 0.4 = version 0.3 + checkpointing +
>2. All committers to get ICLA
>3. Migrate web site from to Apache infrastructure
>4. Complete the current work on the new version (0.5), which is a major
>refactoring in order to simplify concepts, API, and introduce new features
>such as dynamic deployment and reliable channels
>5. Grow the community
>1. Mailing lists have been created. We are already using them.
>2. Jira initialized and started to track issues
>3. Karma granted for committers with ICLA
>4. Confluence Wiki space created
>5. IRC channel set-up
>Project developments
>1. We have pre-Apache releases on github and our current effort mostly
>focused on a major refactoring of the codebase. Goal is to have it ready
>soon so that we don't need to support 2 distinct concurrent versions.
>Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.
>The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for cloud
>on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call Big Data). The idea is to
>build a cluster management system that enables the Big Data that are stored
>a cluster/data center to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and computed on
>remote users in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.
>Tashi has previously encompassed just the tools to manage virtual
>machines using Xen and KVM, but is gaining the facility to hand out
>physical machines as well.
>Development activities have included:-
>        * Zoni has been merged into the mainline code trunk
>        * Additional capability added to Zoni
>        * Implement hint to influence scheduler packing policy
>        * Reject incorrect arguments to tashi-client to prevent
>          unintended defaults from being used
>        * Migrated to rpyc version 3.1
>        * Add "free capacity" info function to Tashi
>        * Support for auto creation of zoni tftp boot menus
>        * Fixed deadlocks in clustermanager
>        * Rewrite CM to concentrate decay handlers into one spot
>        * Use Linux LVM for local scratch space creation
>        * VMM is now authoritative to what is running
>        * Retry deploying held VMs at a later time
>The project is still working toward building a larger user and development
>community. User groups have been identified in Ireland, Slovenia and Korea,
>Malaysia, as well as at Georgia Tech.
>Items to be resolved before graduation:
>        * A stable branch exists which could be a release candidate, but
>          the codebase is large and test hardware is currently in
>          short supply. We are confident that the code in the stablefix
>          branch will work if running QEMU emulation, Pickle or sqlite
>          data storage, primitive scheduler. Xen, other data stores and
>          schedulers have not been tested recently.
>        * Should have example accounting code (data is kept, but
>          intepretation is currently manual)
>        * Develop community diversity (Committers currently at Telefonica,
>          Google and CMU)
>The VXQuery Project implements a standard compliant XML Query processor. It
>has been in incubation since 2009-07-06.
>Recent activities:
>    * activity picked-up a little in August and September
>    * considering direction of the project
>Top issues before graduation:
>    * Create a release
>    * Build community (developer and users)
>Signed off by mentor:
>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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