On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Marcelo H.Fortino
<mfort...@estrategiasgnulinux.com> wrote:
>> Hi Rob and all,
> My name is Marcelo Horacio Fortino and I've been using this suite since 1999
> when I get an StarOffice 5.1 CD from Sun.
> Since then I had worked with all OpenOffice.Org and lastly with LibreOffice
> flavors and I've been promoting and installing these suites hundreds of
> times to my clients.
> My contributions into the openoffice.org ecosystem have been creating market
> and giving jobs to teachers and IT technicians for migration, customization
> and support.
> Also I've been teaching and recently organizing OpenOffice and LibreOffice
> courses.
> I know I'm not a programmer, nor have been giving support at forums or
> translating OOO into spanish but mainly it was because I've no enough time
> to do that. I hope anyway that I can be useful into this community :-)
> regards
> --
> -
> // Marcelo Fortino
> www.estrategiasgnulinux.com
> //Servicios Informáticos
> //Formación·Software Libre
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Hi Rob and all

I've been an open-source user and contributor for years, and an Apache
Committer for several months. My prior programming experience with
OpenOffice is limited to a basic test with UNO and Java, but I am
familiar with C/C++/Java/etc. and would be able to work on just about

I think that the donation of OpenOffice to Apache is probably the
greatest gift in Apache's history, and it would be a tremendous honour
to contribute to one of the most widely used open source projects in
the world.

Damjan Jovanovic

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