Hi Christian.

What a great positive attitude.  I'm excited to see you here.

And moin moin to you too (it is 06:56 here in Seattle).  I did not know the 
relationship with "moien" auf Deutsch.  Now I know why Svante Schubert says it. 


 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Lippka [mailto:c...@lippka.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 01:17
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Request: Can "proposed committers" introduce themselves?

[ ... ]
 So for me it is obviously love and passion and it would make me sad to not 
even try to make this proposal a success.

Now a valid question could be, why ASF and not TDF. For me, this is not a 
binary question. I have already contributed to OpenOffice.org in my spare time. 
I have also already (though small) contributed to LibreOffice in my spare time.
While I have some different opinions, I do not oppose the TDF or LibreOffice. I 
am not here to make this project win and another project fail. I am not here to 
dishonor the good work that good people put into something that they think is 
the best way to go. But I hope that people will respect others for trying to do 
something different, even so we may share many of the same goals.

[ ... ]

My technical vision (as in, not plans, no facts, no "I tell you how to do it") 
for this particular project under the umbrella of the ASF is as follows. I see 
this as an opportunity to do some bold moves that will jumpstart the free 
office world to the next level. One such bold move in the past was the switch 
to XML. I think this changed everything, and I usually hate such marketing 
speech :) What I would love to see is a major rework concerning modularization 
and configurability.
In the past I was part of many discussions on what would be the best UI 
framework for OpenOffice.org to solve all problems including world peace. 
Obviously there was no such thing. This is even more true in the world we live 
in now. There is not only the desktop any more, my smartphone is faster than my 
first development pc at StarDivision.
My android tablet has a bigger screen resolution than my first VGA monitor. To 
serve this diverse market of target devices and different input idioms there 
can not only be one user interface, there must be many.
Also it would be cool to target different groups of users by providing a user 
interface that is optimized for a special task or need. See OOo4Kids as a great 

I'm not a native speaker  but I tried hard to look up every more complicated 
word in the dictionary to check for possible misreadings. If you still find 
something that you have a grudge with or find offensive, please just blame it 
on a communication issue.

Best regards,

[1] http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinEtymology

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