Kazunari Hirano <khir...@gmail.com> wrote on 06/09/2011 08:46:05 AM:

> Let us open up new markets and allow all the people on the earth to
> use our great Office Suite in their native languages!
> We are all sure that OpenOffice.org/StarOffice/StarSuite benefit them.
> Thanks
> It is very exciting to work with various people in many parts of the
> world, sharing sense of purpose to create one great product.

Hello Hirano-san --

Thank you for your inspiring post.  I am honored to have your continued 

OpenOffice.org is distinguished by the large number of language 
translations it supports, including many languages that are ignored by the 
larger commercial vendors.

But as you know, translation is only one part of localization.  I hope 
that with your participation, and with help from RedOffice experts who 
have joined this project, that we can further improve the CJK support in 
OOo.  We have had many discussions on this in ISO, with Murata Mokoto, who 
is helping us understand what further improvement we could make in ODF to 
support CJK text layout requirements.

I look forward to advancing this work, both with the ODF standard, but 
also in Apache OpenOffice!



P.S. Do you know anything about the OOo community on Korea?  Is there 
anyone there we should be contacting?

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